
Showing posts from March, 2013

Tom learns to count at USCSAs

My oh my, apologies on not getting blog posts up for a while! The team has been racing every weekend, and the editor may or may not have had a concussion and couldn't look at screens for a while... oops. So. Here's the recap of what we missed.. (More blog posts with details later possibly?) CCSA CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS Men's Classic 10k Women's Classic 5k Men's Skate 20k Women's Skate 15k CCSA REGIONALS Men's Classic 10k Women's Classic 5k Men's Skate 15k Women's Skate 10k D TEAM MADISON SPRINTS Classic Qualifier Skate Sprint SLUSH RUSH 10k Skate, Classic BIRKIE Birkie Results So. The varsity team is currently racing in Sun Valley, Idaho (possibly one of the most gorgeous places we will ski at in our lifetime) at USCSA Nationals. It's kind of like DIII Nationals, and we go because our alpine team qualifies and we can score together with them as a large team. Plus it's an awesome way to end out the seas