
Showing posts from May, 2013

A Little Bit of Team Love

From the banquet last week:

Skiing in May

Happy spring! Or Spr-inter, as some Oles are calling it.  It's May 2nd and we woke up to 8 inches of fresh wet snow. SNOW. On MAY SECOND.  Today they are grooming the Birkie trail in Hayward, Wisconsin.  I believe this is a record of some sort.  We wrapped up the season with a banquet, so announcements should be made.  Captains for the 2013-2014 season- Gretchen Mueller, Paige Schember, Nels Thompson, Joel Bransky MVPs for the 2012-2013 season- Paige Schember, Joel Bransky Matt Haugen award- Emma Lee It was an adventurous yet incredibly productive season, and I think we have our new coach Tom to thank for that. Without him, our team would have been lost. We all grew as skiers, leaders, and teammates, and successfully navigated a season with our largest team yet. The bumps in the road only provided more chances to work with one another and learn for next season.  We say goodbye to our two seniors, Emma Lee and Sophie LaFond. This is hard, because they contribute so much