
Showing posts from September, 2012

Bringing Slalom Skiing to a New Level

This weekend we were out on our classic OD and Julia got a leaf stuck in her front wheel when we were headed through town. After unsuccessful attempts to stomp the leaf out, Julia's ski hit the ground and the wood split! We tried to force the wheel backwards but the entire ski broke in half... Oops. So we switched up skis, and I (Paige) skied back to campus on one classic ski while Julia skied on two with one pole, holding her broken ski in the other hand. We got quite a lot of looks from drivers and kids on campus, but we made it! Think of the two miles back to campus as a balance/agility/strength workout? The team is battling sickness right now, as with any first few months of college. But we're surviving! Julia's poor ski... Weird kids in the back of the pack

UM YA YA Homecoming!

Happy Homecoming! Today after an interval session in Sogun Valley the nordic team met up with the piners (alpine team) at one of the alpine team member's houses for a joint team alumni barbeque! We had delicious tacos and Honeycrisp apples and too many chocolate chip cookies to count. It was awesome to see a few of our alumni - Hillary Boyce, Ian Gunsolus, Brandon Piechowski, Zach Hudson, and Anders Nienstaedt all came down for the festivities. And don't forget Tom Jorgenson, who is now our coach! It was a great day with family and friends. Will, Nate, Gretchen, Eli, Amanda, Amy, Kai and Paige (left to right) Alumni! Zach, Hillary, Ian and Brandon (left to right) Gretchen, Robert, Emma, Nora, Nate, Allie, Elise, Will, and Julia (left to right) Ian and our new coach Tom :) The official season starts the first week of October, and with a team around 25 people, we are super excited to start training with Tom. Captains' practices are going well, and snow i

Run Fast Oles!

Yesterday after our workout the ski team went down to the cross country course to cheer on our fellow skiers and athlete friends on the cross teams. The Oles did really well! The women dominated and the men were second. Our very own Emma Lee was 6th overall, and the rest of the skiers also ran very well. It definitely made me want to race, whether running OR skiing. Today we ran our workout in Nerstrand Big Woods State Park. The forest is really old and untouched by all the farm fields, so it made for a gorgeous run. Results and pictures from the cross country meet are below.  Women's XC results Men's XC results How gorgeous is St. Olaf? Amy Waananen heads into the finish. Evan Kendall, one of our freshmen The leaders of the men's race. Grant Wintheiser, an Ole, won.  Ski Team supporters! Go EMMA! Kristen Very enthusiastic freshmen

Specific strength and sunshine

Today we did an awesome specific strength workout! We picked a hill out past the Carleton arb and used bands to pull each other up the hill with double poling and no-pole striding. The weather was gorgeous, we survived the first week of school, and spirits were high. We're definitely enjoying fall on the hill. Julia pulling Paige  Liam and Nels working hard! Anders showing great forward knee drive. Yayyy Allie!

Oh my gosh, a new blog!

Hello! Welcome to the 2012-2013 nordic ski season. This blog is for current and past skiers, students, and alumni to keep up with the St. Olaf College nordic ski team as we train and race together. We're starting off the year great with captains' practices and strength workouts. Counting down the days until snow season! Keep checking back for training updates, our race schedule, and an introduction to our team.