UM YA YA Homecoming!

Happy Homecoming! Today after an interval session in Sogun Valley the nordic team met up with the piners (alpine team) at one of the alpine team member's houses for a joint team alumni barbeque! We had delicious tacos and Honeycrisp apples and too many chocolate chip cookies to count. It was awesome to see a few of our alumni - Hillary Boyce, Ian Gunsolus, Brandon Piechowski, Zach Hudson, and Anders Nienstaedt all came down for the festivities. And don't forget Tom Jorgenson, who is now our coach! It was a great day with family and friends.

Will, Nate, Gretchen, Eli, Amanda, Amy, Kai and Paige (left to right)

Alumni! Zach, Hillary, Ian and Brandon (left to right)

Gretchen, Robert, Emma, Nora, Nate, Allie, Elise, Will, and Julia (left to right)

Ian and our new coach Tom :)
The official season starts the first week of October, and with a team around 25 people, we are super excited to start training with Tom. Captains' practices are going well, and snow is coming, there was some in Hayward last night! 


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