
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Dashing Summer Deeds of the St. Olaf Nordic Team: part 2

Hey guys! I too am in MA this summer, however it was by no surprise whatsoever, since I actually live here. I have spent this summer driving the launch at a marina next door to my family's house on Cape Cod. (For those of you who don't know, I am a taxi from the shore to customers' boats.) I have been doing a lot of biking this summer, exploring the roads and coasts near my house. Here are some pictures from my latest adventures! The view from Chapaquoit Beach in West Falmouth 'No Access' stairs provide 'Direct Access' to the ocean Xoxo Liza

The Daring Summer Deeds of the St. Olaf Nordic Team: part 1

Hello from Norton, Massachusetts! My summer took a crazy turn when I discovered I was working at the 'other' Wheaton College in Massachusetts, not Illinois. Either way, working for EXPLO means 12 to 15 hour days surrounded by children. Finding time to workout has meant 6:30 AM runs every day and lifting or using the rowing machine on my 2 or 3 hours off. No rollerskiing on the 3 roads near campus, as the paths are not well kept. The job is well worth the time crunch, and being around 6th grade boys all day is a constant state of L1, sometimes L2. I'll have to complete my Challenge of Champions challenges back home, but I'm getting plenty of preparation for the gallon challenge! After strength my only option for food intake is a Walgreen's down the road, and my co-workers (non-Midwesterners) are amazed I can finish a half gallon of milk in 10/15 minutes.      Restrictions on workout time make you really appreciate practice at school, even morning li