
Showing posts from September, 2013

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back to the hill! Captain's practice is in full swing and the workouts are gettin' done.  We've had gorgeous weather and welcome our new freshmen (Shelby, Mikki, Josephine, Liza, Graham, Nate, Leif, Sam) and transfer student, Jake!  Some of the newbies are cross country running, so I'll be posting updates about them.  We're missing our teammates (who will always be considered teammates) who are off in the world (Elise in Wyo, Emma running speedy in Minneapolis, and Sophie in Duluth), but we're looking forward to an awesome season. Here's some pics from training so far this fall. Official practice starts next week! Add caption The road out to Dundas was washed out this summer.  Ready, set, jump? Saturday morning bounding intervals  Saturday morning bounding intervals