Bringing Slalom Skiing to a New Level

This weekend we were out on our classic OD and Julia got a leaf stuck in her front wheel when we were headed through town. After unsuccessful attempts to stomp the leaf out, Julia's ski hit the ground and the wood split! We tried to force the wheel backwards but the entire ski broke in half... Oops. So we switched up skis, and I (Paige) skied back to campus on one classic ski while Julia skied on two with one pole, holding her broken ski in the other hand. We got quite a lot of looks from drivers and kids on campus, but we made it! Think of the two miles back to campus as a balance/agility/strength workout? The team is battling sickness right now, as with any first few months of college. But we're surviving!

Julia's poor ski...

Weird kids in the back of the pack


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