Dog Days

     Seeing as summer is rapidly drawing to a close, it seems fitting that St. Olaf Nordic
should offer an update on all of their summer adventures. In the absence of snow,
we still manage to train (and even have fun!) in the dog days of summer. Our team is
scattered all around the United States from the east coast to the west coast and our
activities and training are just as variable.
     Mitchell has been spending the summer at Wells National Estuarine Research
Reserve in Maine as an assistant camp counselor. He has collected an impressive
variety of nicknames from his campers, such as “fungi,” “fathead” (hopefully named
for the minnow species), and “Sensei.” Although he misses his teammates, he has been
managing to have fun and train by rollerskiing and hiking around Maine.
Mitchell found Mark Trail on the backroads of Maine
     Moving westward, several members of St. Olaf Nordic have remained in the general
Minnesota area. Both Spencer and Andrew have been guiding canoe trips with camp
Widjiwagan, traveling through the Boundary Waters and Quetico areas.
Andrew vs. canoe
     Christopher has been working at Tennis and Life Camp as a “ball feeder and screamer.”
It seems he is sadly mistaken as to which sport is truly the best (Nordic—duh) and we
sincerely hope he comes to his senses. However, having watched some of
Christopher’s tennis matches, it is evident that he is quite skilled in the sport!
Chris -- screamer extraordinaire
     Ben has also remained in the great state of Minnesota and has spent much of his
summer training. He even ran his first 5k with Ethan, Molly, Rose, Tyler and Daisy,
although he still finds running to be rather unappealing. Summer hasn’t been all
training though as he has found time to collect rocks and play with kittens. His betta
fish, Ole E. Bjørndalen is doing fantastic too! Sadly, Laura’s betta fish, Fish Fish, has
met its end so Ben is proven correct that his betta keeping skills are superior.
     Bri is in the Twin Cities, presumably on a secret training plan designed to help her WIN
(that or ninja training—it’s a toss-up). Matt had a rough start to the summer with a broken leg,
but I assume he has joined Bri in ninja training. Tyler has been taking physics classes
at Macalester College and will likely show us all up in academics this coming
school year. Daisy’s location and activities remains somewhat elusive but seems to
have something to do with sandwich making.
     Rose is currently law intern by day and a 5k runner by night! When she is not in the
office, she is rollerskiing, kayaking in the Apostle Islands, backpacking in the Tetons
and mountain biking. She would like to inform Mitchell that she has not faceplanted
again on the mountain bike, although this assurance is somewhat suspicious… Rose
will be missed this fall as she leaves for Global Semester study abroad program, but
she will be back in time for the majority of the ski season! Molly has also been on the
kayaking and backpacking adventures, but spends much of her time studying,
studying, and more studying. The LSATs will have no chance against her superior
knowledge and test-taking skills by the time this is over! Molly also went out to
Seattle to visit Laura, where they had a lot of fun touring a chocolate factory (yum)
and visiting Pike Place Market. Molly’s deepest regret is that she did not buy
anything with a Sasquatch image on it.
Laura, Molly, and... Sasquatch?
     Laura was in Seattle interning at the University of Washington studying atmospheric
chemistry by examining ice core records. She gets to spend significant amounts of
time cutting ice in a giant freezer, so she thinks about snow, cold, and skiing a lot. To
train, she has been roller skiing and running, although no one seems to understand
what she is doing when rollerskiing in public. Rebecca is also in the Seattle area and
has been working at YMCA camp Orkila on Orcas Island. She has been on the
“Adventure Team” running epic activities such as the zip line, giant swing, rock wall,
and high ropes for the camp. She has been having a fun time (how could you not if
you are on something literally called “adventure” and has met some great people!
Ethan has also been adventuring out west. He has taken up base-jumping as his newest
endeavor and we do hope he survives his latest hobby so he can return to the team this fall!
Ethan sticking the landing


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