Even MORE summer adventures!

Even though we're spread across the country during the summer, our team still manages to keep things as interesting and fun as when we're all together, and we certainly get some more varied stories! So, back by popular demand, two more escapades of the St. Olaf skiers' summers are coming your way (unfortunately, this author failed to get these up on time, so Allie's account is from about a week ago...apologies!)

Allie Aufderheide's biking bonanza: 
     I'm spending my summer bike touring from Vancouver, BC to the Mexican border with two friends from school. An average day sees about 50 miles of riding, maybe some day hikes and a dip in the Pacific, and definitely an ice cream break. We are now 7 weeks down the road and just hit 2,000 miles a couple days ago - I can definitely say that I'm ready to get off my bike saddle and onto some skis!
Day one on the road! Biking out of Vancouver.
2 states down, 1 to go!
After biking across the golden gate bridge.
Standard Highway 1 scenery.


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